During Lent, Catholics are asked to devote themselves to seeking the Lord in prayer and reading Scripture, to service by giving alms and to sacrifice self-control through fasting. Many know of the tradition of abstaining from meat on Fridays during Lent, but believers are also called to practice self-discipline and fast in other ways throughout the season.
What is the Lord desiring of you this Lent?
Click the button link below to view 2025 Assumption Lenten services/weekly offerings and activities/reminders.
How seriously do you want to have an amazing Lent? If you want to have a more powerful experience of Lent than ever before, do something different.
Often, we treat Lent as a time to focus on our own souls—and we need to tend to our souls to flourish. But you simply cannot have your best Lent if you simply fill up your own soul and press on with your day. Your best Lent will happen when you make the shift from a consumer to a disciple.
Following are several sources of soul-feeding content to consume. Share them boldly, as if souls depended on it. Because they do.
Inspiration from Fulton Sheen
The torch of our faith has been given to us not to delight our eyes
but to enkindle the torches of our fellow men.
Fulton Sheen
God wants you to dream!
What’s “on hold” in your life? How would addressing it change your life?
Virtue in focus…
Goodness is the quality of being good, having virtue, character and moral excellence. Are you striving for goodness? How do you feel when you behave in ways that are good, virtuous and morally excellent? Who is one person in your life that models goodness for you?
A burst of wisdom.
There are two kinds of people. Which are you?
Did you know…
A study from Baylor University found that 90% of Americans have prayed for healing at some point in their lives? How might God be inviting you to be an answer to someone’s prayer in a time of sickness or injury?
For the young and young at heart…
Let Jesus’s example inspire you to go out and serve others.
For those in a period of transition…
Ask Him to take away your resistance to change
and replace it with the thrill of possibility.
Jane Trufant Harvey, taken from Ask Him.
Let’s Pray!
God of humility and truth, hear my prayer this Lenten season.
Point me toward the path that leads to you.
Help me to get to know myself better, so that I may know how to improve and ultimately become the best-version-of-myself for you.
Matthew Kelly, Rediscover Lent