Perhaps the most vital part of our life as a worshiping community is our Liturgies. From the absolute pinnacle of the Easter Triduum – Holy Thursday – Last Supper, Good Friday – Passion and death, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday – to the regal celebration of Christ’s birth in Christmas, we have interspersed thirty-three Sundays and weeks of “Ordinary Time.” Ordinary, not because they are common uneventful and routine, but rather ordinary because they are an orderly progression of every beautiful facet of our complex and mysterious Salvation history. The Liturgy Committee is composed of representatives from various other Ministries which exist in service to our Liturgical celebration including Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Music, and church decoration.
Great care is taken to ensure that all of our liturgies are beautiful, moving, and cohesive expressions of the love between God and his people. Through careful planning, the celebrant and the Director of Music ensure that the flow of each liturgy remains reverent and prayerful at all times. In choice of music, prayer, and decoration of the worship space, we strive to tie all elements of liturgy together (in keeping with the liturgical season and/or feast day) in order to enhance the worship experience of our parish community.
The youth of the parish are the future of God’s church, and so we are committed to ensuring that the children and youth of our parish feel that they can contribute to, and be enriched by our various liturgies. To that end, we instituted a Sunday Youth Mass which the children attend prior to catechism, our children also participate in occasional mass activities, liturgies and processions throughout the year.