For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a life long journey of commitment and discipleship. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is the Church's way of celebrating and accepting the embrace of God.
The Sacrament of Baptism is the first of our seven sacraments. It is through Baptism that the stain of original sin, and any other sin, is wiped away and we become new members of the Body of Christ and the Catholic Church. We extend a special welcome to you if you are trying to find out more about Baptism for yourself, or for your child.
Contact the Parish Office at 520-868-5940 to schedule an appointment with the pastor before the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. A Baptismal interview and classes are required prior to Baptism. Baptisms are conferred on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.
If you are an adult who is seeking more information on how to become a member of the Catholic Church, please consider The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). For information about our RCIA program, contact the Office at 520-868-5940.
* Por favor llame a la oficina de la Parroquia para programar una cita con el sacerdote antes del Sacramento de Bautismo. Una entrevista bautismal y pláticas, serán requeridas antes del Bautismo.
Los Bautismos se confieren el segundo y cuarto domingo del mes.
MOST SOULS want the love and joy and peace which come from Absolution, but they lack practical instruction as to how to prepare themselves. Here is a simple way to do so
Go to a place where you can be alone for an hour. A church is the best place. But it is essential that you be quiet and alone with God. For the first few minutes, think about God. Try to realize how much He loves you and the pain He suffered on the Cross in order to redeem you.
Sacrament of Reconciliation is available after daily Mass as well as Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM or by appointment. Email [email protected].
Confirmation is the last Sacrament in the blessed series of what Catholics refer to as our "Initiation Sacraments". It is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit wherein our gift of faith received at Baptism and nurtured through Eucharist and reconciliation, is strengthened and "confirmed".
If your child is approaching high school, Confirmation preparation information is pending. Call the Parish office for available information at 520-868-5940.
If you are an adult who is seeking more information on Confirmation, Father Callistus will be scheduling/teaching a six-week Adult Confirmation class. Please share this information with any adults you may know who have completed their sacraments up to this point. Ask them to contact the parish office to speak with Father.
Catholics believe that marriage is God's gift of a partner for life. God gives you to one another to help you fulfill your mission on earth - "to learn how to live." Your love is a special and unique sharing in the mystery of Jesus' death and resurrection. As a marrying couple, you publicly proclaim by your vows before God and the faith community that you intend your life together to reflect the selfgiving love that Jesus has for his people, the Church.
For this reason, marriage in the Catholic tradition is identified as a sacrament. In other words, marriage is a living sign of our loving God’s faithful activity in the world. This means that marriage as a sacrament begins on your wedding day and Christian marriage embodies the lifelong relationship of husband and wife and your commitment to grow more and more in love as time goes on. Marriage for Catholic Christians, then, is not only something you receive; it is something you become.
Christian marriage is a commitment to your spouse from within the community of faith, the Church. When two people marry in the Church, it is more than celebrating a ceremony in a particular kind of building. It is also more than a ritual only between the two partners, marriage is a sacred moment for the community as well.
Before couples are married in the Catholic Church, they must thoroughly prepare for this life-long sacrament. Marriage preparation or "Pre-Cana" is an umbrella term for the whole marriage preparation process. Pre-Cana is not a one day event as many believe it to be but a timely process in preparing for marriage.
Call parish office at 520-868-5940 to request a MARRIAGE POLICIES document containting details information specific to weddings here at Assumption and/or to schedule an appointment to speak with the priest six months prior to the wedding. Engaged Encounter Weekend and Natural Family Planning Counseling are required. No weddings may be scheduled during Lent.
* Por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia para programar una cita con el sacerdote 6 meses previo a la boda. Retiro de Fin de Semana de Comprometidos y Asesoramiento de Planificación Familiar Natural, serán necesarios. No habrá matrimonios durante el tiempo de Cuaresma.
Tribunal Processing Fee Update
When initiating marriage prep, it is always appropriate to first contact the Parish Office and set up an appointment with the Pastor. If, at that time, it is determined that there is any impending impediment to the routine process, the Pastor will direct the couple to complete and submit the necessary Diocesan Tribunal forms for review.
Effective immediately, the previously required $50 processing fee for Tribunal work has been removed. The Tribunal forms on the Diocese of Tucson website have been updated to reflect this change.
Only if there is an impediment identified and you have any questions about the form process, contact Fr. Lester Mendonsa, JCD, STD (Bib Th) at 520-838-2520 or [email protected].
Call the Parish Office to make arrangements: 520-868-5940.
* Por favor llame a la oficina de la Parroquia para hacer arreglos: 520-868-5940.