Pre-K and Kindergarten
God's Plan of Love
God loves me
God created us out of love
God keeps His promises
The life of Jesus, our Savior
Jesus saves us
God gives us the Church
Grade 1
God's Promise of a Savior
God loves us and created us
Preparing for the Savior
Jesus, our Savior has come
Jesus saves us from our sins
We share in Jesus' life
Grade 2
Salvation History: God's Presence in the Sacraments
The need for a savior
God's loving plan to save us
God's plan is fulfilled through Jesus
Jesus save us from our sins
Jesus gives Himself to us in the Eucharist
Grade 3
Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace
Created for communion
The communion is love is broken
Jesus repairs the communion of love
At Mass we worship God
Our life in Christ
Our mission in Christ
Grade 4
The Creed; Truth and Our Response of Faith
We believe: united in faith and truth
I believe in God
I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God
I believe in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Catholic Church
I believe in the firgiveness of sins and life everlasting
Grade 5
Liturgy and Worship
God works and in justice we respond
God became man so that man might become like God
Christ's victory through water and the Spirit
Jesus fulfills God's work
Our life of grace flows from the Paschal Mystery
Grades 6, 7, 8